Take A Kid to Work Day
Leona works as a research scientist in the zoo laboratory. ..
It was 'Take A Kid to Work Day', and because she had animals in her lab,
several of her fellow employee's children came to hang out in her workspace.
several of her fellow employee's children came to hang out in her workspace.
Elin and Ringo were drawn to the rats...
....so Leona introduced them to one....
Efreet and Bonnie were intrigued by the frogs, so Leona let Bonnie hold one....
"Why are all these animals here?"
"Well, it's my job to make sure all the animals in the zoo stay healthy, and sometimes some
of them need a bit of special care, so they come stay with me in my lab for a little while."
of them need a bit of special care, so they come stay with me in my lab for a little while."
Elin and Ringo were intrigued by the rats...but they felt the rats didn't have enough room, so they lifted the lid...
Meanwhile, Efreet lifted the lid off the frogs, so Bonnie could get a better look at them....
Frogs began hopping everywhere...
Rats and frogs were everywhere!
What a disaster!
"Next time it's 'Take a Kid to Work' Day", thought Leona,
"I'm locking up my lab and calling in sick!"
"I'm locking up my lab and calling in sick!"
Photos taken before the story was fully developed
Copyright © 2016 Martha Boers
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