the Red Death
For years now I've wanted to make the Red Death costume from Phantom of the Opera. I've seen the stage production three times, and prefer most of the costumes from that version. They were designed by Maria Björnson, and I much prefer her design for the Masque of the Red Death from the New Year's Eve Masquerade scene. It had been on the top of my To Do list for this year, but then life got in the way. But better late than never.
With the Phantom's costume finished, it was time for one last fitting before the performance.
With the Phantom's costume finished, it was time for one last fitting before the performance.
The jacket had turned out a bit short, so I had to add an insert between the top and the bottom tabs, making it look like a belt. I also wanted the cords of his cloak to hang nicely in front instead of choking him, so the cloak corners have hooks which hook onto loops on his shoulders.
the Phantom as the Red Death
Some photos of Rex wearing the completed costume, including the mask, and holding his staff. In the story, the Phantom appears on a giant staircase in the middle of the New Year's Eve masquerade party, but that set was beyond my abilities, so I created a 'theatre' set with lots of draped curtains and candelabras.
with Christine
As an artist, I am inspired by whatever designs I personally prefer, and will mix and match my favourite costumes that were designed by Maria Björnson for the Broadway production with my favourites that were designed by Alexandra Byrne for the movie. So even though I preferred the Red Death from the stage production, I preferred Christine's masquerade gown from the movie. In the film version she wears a simple pink Victorian gown, which I elaborated upon. After all, I can't do 'simple'.
In the story, Christine and Raoul have just become engaged, but she is trying to keep it a secret. However, the Phantom, who is in love with her, knows, and feels betrayed, so confronts her in front of everyone at the New Year's Masquerade Ball.
In the story, Christine and Raoul have just become engaged, but she is trying to keep it a secret. However, the Phantom, who is in love with her, knows, and feels betrayed, so confronts her in front of everyone at the New Year's Masquerade Ball.
A Few Extras
It has been my dream to one day recreate the Masquerade Ball scene with the giant staircase and the dozens of opera cast members all in costume. I don't know if it will ever happen, but they say it's good to have dreams. The opera cast members would include all my MSD size dolls, and since four of them currently are already dressed like they could be going to a masquerade ball, and already have masks, I decided to include them in the background....
After the Performance
Some photos of Bianca and Rex without his mask. These two are a couple, and some day whenever I make Raoul's Hassar uniform, it will be Rex who plays Raoul with Bianca as Christine. Then someone else will have to wear the Phantom costume.
In the Mirror
Another set of photos I needed for my Fashions book was Christine's robe and corset set that she wears in her dressing room after her performance, when the Phantom appears and takes her down to his lair. I made the outfit four years ago, inspired by the movie version, and even though several dolls have worn it over the years, I had never photographed 'Christine' in it in a proper scene from the production. Until last week.
I set up her dressing room filled with many arrangements of congratulatory flowers.
I set up her dressing room filled with many arrangements of congratulatory flowers.
And among them was the single red rose with the black ribbon bow...
...from the Phantom, who was watching her through the mirror...
She had the uneasy feeling that there was someone there...
Little did she realize the adventure that was about to unfold.
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