Flowers for a Queen
Winston had delivered all the flowers, and Lawrence had placed them all in their private rooms.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart..."
"Happy birthday, sweetheart..."
"These are all so beautiful!"
"Wherever did you get them?"
"I had them flown in, specially for your birthday..."
"Say what?? Flown?? How??"
"Well, I do know a dragon...."
"That was so sweet of you....."
"I love them....."
"Happy Birthday Mom !"
The children were all excited that it was their Mom's birthday, had gotten up early, and couldn't wait any longer, so came rushing into their parent's room....
"Happy Birthday Mom!'
The children were all excited...
"Happy Birthday Mom!"
"Thank you sweethearts..."
"I love you Mom..."
"I love you too...."
A Cake for a Queen
After she was dressed, the children took Monica to the Great Hall to see her birthday cake...
"It's absolutely gorgeous!"
"It's going to be a shame to cut it up...."
Then she posed for the traditional birthday portrait with her cake...
...and the family group portraits....
Then the hall was made ready and tables laid out with all manner of delicious treats...
"I think we are ready for our guests.."
* Next - the Queen's Birthday Party
Copyright © 2021 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved