Knights on Patrol
A story featuring my two favourite knights, Baron and Rex....
Return to Work
With the holidays over, it was time for Baron to go back to work. It was time for the annual patrol of the outlying villages, and he didn't know exactly when he would be back. It would be the first time since they came back that Naomi would be alone in the past, and she came out in the snow to say good-bye....
On Patrol
Baron and Rex were out on their annual winter patrol.....
Every winter the King sent them out to check on the conditions in the outlying farms and villages, to check on his subjects and see how they were doing in the bitter cold. Did they have enough food? Did they have enough firewood to keep warm?
Keeping Busy
While Baron was away, Naomi started work on her wedding gown....
It was something to do to help while away the days....
She missed him terribly....
Miho would often come and keep her company.
"This is coming along beautifully."
"Thank you. I really want to do justice to this gorgeous fabric you gave me. It's so beautiful."
"I really appreciate how kind and welcoming you have been to me."
"Of course. We are family now. And I can only imagine how hard this new life is for you...."
"Especially with Baron's absence when he has to go on one of these extended patrols...."
"I really miss him so very much...."
"...and I'm very thankful for your company."
After Miho left, Naomi would go back to her sewing....
But she'd often stop to look out the window...
...hoping to see Baron come riding home to her.....
Narin and Narae
Baron and Rex were still out on their winter patrol of the kingdom...
...when they came across two people on the road....
...when they came across two people on the road....
"Good day..."
"Good day, my Lord..."
"How are the two of you doing on this cold, wintery day?"
"We are doing well sir..."
"In fact we are heading to the castle...."
"We are going into service there..."
"Well, good luck to you then..."
"And we'll be on our way..."
Willie & Winston
Baron and Rex continued on, and came across Winston and Willie walking down the road. The knights got down off their horses and after acknowledging Winston, Baron crouched down so he wouldn't tower over Willie...
"Good day Madam. I'm surprised - and pleased - to run into you on this snowy day?"
"Well sonny, Winston and I are just out for a walk.."
Winston was feeling a bit awkward.
"You do know that he is Sir Baron, Captain of the Royal Guard??"
"You do know that he is Sir Baron, Captain of the Royal Guard??"
"Yes, of course...."
"I'm well acquainted with both of these young men. They are my favourite two knights..."
"It's such a lovely day, that Winston and I are just taking a nice walk down to the village."
"Well, then both of you are in good company..."
"It's nice to have run into you today. It's been a while."
Missing Him
While Baron was away, Naomi busied herself working on her wedding gown....
It was the perfect time to work on it, since there was no chance that he'd see it....
But she missed him terribly....
...and even more, missed not knowing where he was, or what he was doing...or when he was coming back....
At least back in her own time, one could phone or text....
...but here there was nothing....
It was hard not to worry..... she tried to distract herself with her sewing....
* Next - Knights on Patrol - part 2
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