Kilarney Adventure
A collection of photos taken on a camping trip to Kilarney, on Georgian Bay
We camped on the red rocks overlooking Kilarney Bay. The girls enjoyed playing "hide and seek" around the campsite
They enjoyed exploring the pools in the rocks near the lighthouse.
Nami and Byuri went off to find a scenic spot.....
Byuri picked some blueberries...
They discovered some rapids in Chikanishing Creek...
Three of them got up to leave, but Elin lingered a bit longer....
Then all of a sudden, Elin was in the water, swept away by the rapids.
Jan jumped in and found her at the bottom of the river below.
Jan jumped in and found her at the bottom of the river below.
Miraculously, she wasn't hurt - just water-logged and totally in shock....
The others quickly came to help her....
They wrapped Elin in a thick towel, and Nami hugged her close, as Byuri offered her the blueberries she'd picked...
Safely back at the campsite, they sat on the rocks to watch the sun set over the bay.
Copyright © 2013 Martha Boers
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