July Special Days
Canada Day
This year on July 1st we celebrate Canada's 154th birthday, and I thought I'd let some of the kids who've never had the chance before to pose for the annual Canada Day portraits. Well, all except Elin, who has had the opportunity before, but I had one extra red outfit, so she won out...
It was Judith's first Canada Day....and even though both boys have lived here for a few years, it was also the first time Efreet and Aaron joined in....
Same with David, Olivia and Cookie....
Happy Canada Day!
A Close Encounter
July 2nd was National UFO Day, and David, Nami and Ringo were headed to the park to play some baseball....
Suddenly Ringo thought he heard something....
They looked up just in time to see a flying saucer zooming towards them....
They ran to hide behind a tree...
"Look! It's opening up!"
"And something is coming out..."
A number of tiny, fierce looking, little aliens came out....
'What do we do??"
Then David got an idea...
"Hello 911....I want to report an alien invasion!"
4th of July
Today our American friends to the south celebrate their Independence Day, and since my dolls never want to miss any opportunity to celebrate, or send good wishes to someone else who is, they posed for some photos. Happy fourth of July!
Going for a Walk
July 7th is 'Fathers take your Daughters for a Walk Day', so Lawrence took his two girls for a walk around the castle gardens....
Teddy Bear Picnic
July 10th is National Teddy bear Picnic Day, so my three newest little girls decided to hold one....
French Fries
July 13th is 'National French Fries Day', so Lisa and Eric went to enjoy some freshly made fries at a local food truck....
"Something wrong with yours?"
"Could you pass the ketchup, please?"
"That's much better!"
July 20th was Lollipop Day, and Cookie was handing them out to her friends....
She gave them to Eric and Elin to help hand them out....
Lollipop Fairies
A few photos of my Kaye Wiggs fairies on Lollipop Day....
Hot Dog Day
July 21st is National Hot Dog Day, and I had originally envisioned Manny selling hot dogs along the boardwalk down by the lake, but as is often the case, the ideas changed as the days went by, and I decided to do something different....
Manny would be a hot dog vendor at the county fair....
...and for a really festive atmosphere, Smuzhka would be handing out balloons....
Plant Tour
Today, July 27th, is 'Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day', so Holly wanted to give it a try....
Coco thought he'd join her....
but he could only fit two plants into his wagon....
But better three plants than none....
So off they went....
....while he serenaded her on his mandolin....
Rhett had brought all Kitty's favourite flavours of cheesecake....cherry, blueberry, strawberry, and of course....chocolate.....
"Come join me for some..."
July 31st is one of several National Watermelon Days, and some of my kids discovered a new spot down by the lake where they could go relax and enjoy some watermelon....
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