Iplekids Everyday
A collection of photos of my smaller Iplehouse dolls, which sometimes includes my Kaye Wiggs and Whispering Grass Tinies
Happy New Year!
I gathered EVERY one of my small dolls together for one big group shot....
Back row; Iplehouse KIDs Lonnie, Aaron (Ah-ra), Angela, Milo (Millie), and Paige.
Third row from front: Iplehouse KID Lisa, BIDs Byuri, Erzulie, Coco, Bonnie, Efreet, and KID Peach
Second row; Iplehouse BIDs Eris (Serca), Elin, Olivia (Bono), Kaye Wiggs Tiny Talyssa, Tillie and Cinnamon, and Iplehouse BIDs Ringo, and Effie (Addiction Efreet)
Front row; Iplehouse BIDs Nyssa (Naias), Holly (Bono), Cookie (Coco), Gray & Beige Smuzkha Racoons by Whispering Grass, BID Nami, two Foxes by Whispering Grass, and BID Chloe.
Seated in front; four Manuna Mice, and two Mr. Ropuha Toads by Whispering Grass, and Willie the House Elf by DreamHigh Studio
Third row from front: Iplehouse KID Lisa, BIDs Byuri, Erzulie, Coco, Bonnie, Efreet, and KID Peach
Second row; Iplehouse BIDs Eris (Serca), Elin, Olivia (Bono), Kaye Wiggs Tiny Talyssa, Tillie and Cinnamon, and Iplehouse BIDs Ringo, and Effie (Addiction Efreet)
Front row; Iplehouse BIDs Nyssa (Naias), Holly (Bono), Cookie (Coco), Gray & Beige Smuzkha Racoons by Whispering Grass, BID Nami, two Foxes by Whispering Grass, and BID Chloe.
Seated in front; four Manuna Mice, and two Mr. Ropuha Toads by Whispering Grass, and Willie the House Elf by DreamHigh Studio
Then took some closer in shots....
Pie Day
January 23rd was 'National Pie Day', and since the school buses were cancelled due to the bad weather, Coco got to help his Mom bake pies that afternoon....
Coco rolled out the dough....
...while Leona peeled the fruit for the filling...
When the pastry was thin enough, Coco lifted it into the pan....
"That's perfect! Now you just have to press it down into the pan evenly..."
And it was ready for the filling....
And it was ready for the filling....
After his pie came out of the oven, it looked so good!
When it was cool enough, Leona cut him a big slice so he could try it...
"So, how does it taste?"
"It's delicious!!"
Ice Cream for Breakfast
February 2nd is 'Eat Ice Cream for breakfast' Day, and the boys were only too happy to comply..
"Ice cream isn't for breakfast! You need something more nutritious!"
"But this ice cream sandwich has milk, whole wheat, eggs, and cocoa..."
"So does mine. And this sundae has strawberry sauce too."
"And mine has a big banana!"
"But cereal with milk is what you are supposed to have for breakfast!"
"Here, let me see that!"
"Have you ever read to see what's in this? Mostly sugar, and all kinds of ingredients I can't even pronounce. It's just sugar-covered cardboard!"
"Okay, you convinced me! Move over! I'm going to join you!
"At least one of these has nuts!"
A New Painting
My sister painted me another small painting - a peacock like the full size one we have hanging over our real life fireplace - as a Thank You for shooting a story with her Gnomes, so now one of my doll families will have it hanging above their fireplace...
Lincoln's Birthday
What better way to mark a famous President's birthday on February 12th, than by building something with a toy that bears his name?
Coco finishing a cabin he's making out of his Lincoln Logs set....
"All done!!"
Pillow Time
I needed some promotional photos for the pillows I'd been working on....
Another Blizzard
It seemed like every Wednesday in February that there would be another blizzard.....
It was snowing really hard, and all the school buses were cancelled - again.....
...but the schools were still open, which meant Angela and Aaron still had to go.....but they didn't mind. There's hardly anyone there then, so they get to do lots of fun, out-of-the-ordinary stuff....
...so off they went....
Want to Make a Snowman?
Angela was rolling snowballs so she could make a snowman....
...when Aaron and Milo came along....
"Want some help??"
Making snowmen with friends goes a lot faster.....
...and is way more fun....
Polar Bear Day
February 27 is International Polar Bear Day, and as luck would have it, there was a snowstorm....
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