Iplekids Alphabet
The Iplekids Yahoo group I belong to, is having an Alphabet Challenge Game, where we can submit photos of our Iplehouse JIDs, KIDs, and BIDs representing each letter of the alphabet. At first I thought I'd just pull photos from my archives, but for now I'm enjoying coming up with fresh new photos. Of course, I may decide to do both, or even have more than one photo per letter.
"A" is for Admiring Abstract Art
"B" is for Blue Budgie on a Branch . . .
and Blue-eyed Byuri peering through the Bars to look at him
"C" is for Colouring Cat pictures and eating Chocolates, on the Carpet
"D" is for Dressing up to play Dollies with Ducklings and a Donut
"E" is for Everyone Enthusiastically helping to Exfoliate the Elephant
"E" is also for Easter basket with Easter bunnies, chicks and Eggs
"F" is for trying to Frighten Four Fat Frogs out of the Flower-bed
with Fancy Folded paper Fans
"G" is for Girl Gathering Gourds in the Garden
"G" is also for Grand Canyon
"H" is for girls with Hats Hiking up a Hill with their Horsie
"I" is for little Indian girl sharing her Ice-cream with an Iguana
"J" is for Junior Jesters, with their hats all a Jingle-Jangle,
Joining in the Jeering when one Jouster gets ready to
Jab his fallen opponent with the Javelin
"K" is for two little Kids flying Kites in Kilarney
"L" is for Elin, in her Lilac Lace dress, Lounging at the Local Library,
Licking her Lemon-Lime Lollipop
"M" is for Moon rising over the Mittens in Monument Valley,
as Nami and her Monkey wait for Byuri to check her Map
"Yup, this is the right place!"
"N" is for Nosey little Native girl Noticing a Neglected Nest
full of Nails and Nuts
"I wonder who it belongs to?"
"O" is for Nami in her Orange dress, handing an Oar to the
Outrageous Octopus getting ready to sail across the
Ocean in his Orange boat full of Orchids
"P" is for Painting Pictographs of a Peacock, Penguin, Porcupine, Pumpkin and Peace Pipe - on Pink granite
"P" is also for Pretty Pueblo Pottery
"Q" is for Queen
"R" is for all dressed in Red, Reading, while Resting
on the Rocks overlooking the River
"S" is for Silhouettes in the Sunset
"S" is also for Shoes
"T" is for Turquoise Teepee at the Trading Post
"T" is also for Totem Poles
"U" is for Under the Umbrella
"V" is for Valentines
"V" is also for Vintage photo of Victorian girl playing her Violin
"W" is for Whirl-a-gig...and Windmill
"X" is for Xylophone - an X-tra big, X-tremely colourful Xylophone
"Y" is for three girls in Yellow Dresses, playing at the Yacht Club.
Nami and Elin are arguing, Yanking on the Yellow Yarn in front of the
Yellow sailboat, while Byuri plays with her Yellow Yo-yo
"Z" is for Zebras
Copyright © 2012 Martha Boers
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