Introducing Jamie
Jamie (an Iplehouse KID Paige boy) arrived on May 12th. I almost felt bad taking Milo's Fantasy costume and putting him back in his regular everyday outfit, even though I had ordered Jamie to be Jude and Grace's son. I even toyed with the idea of stealing Milo's wig and giving him the new one I just made. But that didn't seem right, so Jamie got the new wig after all....
So then I had two Paige KIDs - a girl and a boy....
Jamie's Special Real skin is definitely easier to photograph.
Jude and Jamie
I wasn't sure that I liked the wig I made for Jamie, and thought maybe he could use one a little less curly, so made him another...
Then introduced Jamie to his future dad....
A Possible Switch
I was having great difficulty with the thought of returning Milo to his contemporary family, after he'd been part of Jude and Grace's family for the past six months. So I considered for a short time of letting Milo stay in the past, and having Jamie replace him in his contemporary family. I took some photos to see how he'd fit in....
Jamie and Bonnie
I finally decided that Jamie was going to be part of Jude and Grace's family after all. It's what he had originally been intended for. So I took some photos of him with his little sister Bonnie.....
A Scabbard for Jamie's Sword
Having decided that Jamie would join Jude and Grace's family, I thought it was high time that I made a scabbard for his sword. Up until now the sword had always just been tucked under the belt, but that's not a very safe place for it. So Grace made a scabbard...
...and presented it to Jamie....
"It's perfect! Thank you!"
He proudly showed it to his Dad and sister....
He put it on his belt...
..and posed with Bonnie....
...and his whole family...
Into the Woods
Jamie's family getting ready to take a ride through the woods....
In the Ruins
I've been wanting to take Jamie's family to the Guild Inn for some photos in the ruins, before they leave their 'barbarian' duds behind and travel a few centuries into the future. I prefer to go early on a weekday when there's less people, but the weather hadn't been cooperating. It was supposed to be bright sunshine that Saturday, but it started out rather hazy, which is perfect for photos, so I packed everything up, and we headed on over. We arrived at 9, and were just the second car in the parking lot. Perfect! So we headed to my favourite spot first....
More Ruins
Jamie's family continued through the ruins....
Jamie and Bonnie thought the pillars would make a great place to hide....
"It's time to get back on your horses, so we can continue on our way...."
And on they went....
Copyright © 2021 Martha Boers
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