Introducing Elf Agnes
My Elf Agnes arrived April 4, 2023. She is on the 45 APH body, with Dew bust, pose elbow, in Peach Cream, with default makeup from SartoriaJ. I immediately dressed her in the only spare fashion size outfit I had available - the pink FID sari gown.
First Photos In the Backyard
In the Woods
She reminded me so much of Tauriel from the hobbit, so let her borrow Isar's elf warrior outfit, and then we went to take photos in the woods - between thunderstorms...
Agnes and Saphira
I preferred Agnes in the pink gown, and Isar was only too happy to get her outfit back. I also found Agnes' eyes didn't show very well in photos unless I photoshopped them. So I switched to another pair...which were much better....
Saphira and Agnes in the Meadow
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