Marianne's Gnomes
A few photo sessions with my sister's little gnome figures
Happy Birthday Papa!
My sister was inquiring if it was possible to take a birthday party photo with her collection of little gnome figures. I figured since I have all the furniture and props here at my house, I could just offer to take the photos for her. So I made little pom poms to pin into the tops of everyone's hats, and set up a little party scene....
It was supposed to be Papa's birthday, and I chose the biggest cake in my collection....
Mama held the twins, while Opa was excited to be holding the pinwheel....
Oma held the third baby and her gift for Papa....
While Pieter the Pig couldn't wait to see what was inside all the gifts...
I tried switching the characters around....
But Opa's pinwheel wasn't showing up as well on this side. I couldn't switch it to his other hand since he has a walking stick permanently attached in it.
And Papa's party blower wasn't showing up at all....
So, after some more fussing, and several more attempts at fine tuning, and replacing the burnt down candles three times, I finally had the photo my sister needed....
Except that the little green present in front had fallen over and I'd not noticed, so she had to fix that in Photoshop...
the Puzzle
When my sister had a book made of the Gnome Christmas story I had shot for her back in 2019, she also had a puzzle made of one of her favourite photos from the story...
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