Getting Ready for the Art Show
Her Art Show was coming up soon, so Narae was busy framing all her paintings...
Her two new still life paintings still needed frames....
She framed the Tea Time painting, and had just the Wine & Cheese one left....
Looking good
All done!!
Emptying the Studio
Narae's friends, Maya and Narin, came to help clear out her studio to get ready for her art show. She had already taken almost everything down off the walls, and needed help to have all the furniture moved into the studio store room...
...and then the second cupboard....
Maya and Narin helped Narae hang her paintings...
When they were all done, Maya slipped out to get something....
"This is from Narin and me, for the opening of your Art Show.."
"I love it!! Thank you both so much!!"
"I know just the right spot for it, and then everything is all set for the show..."
*Next - the Art Show
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