Family Portraits
My doll collection has grown over the years, and there's way too many dolls for one large group photo, so I've decided to take photos of all the individual family groups and post them here, starting with the Fashion Size Fantasy Medieval families.
the Royal Family
Lawrence and Monica are the King and Queen in my Medieval Fantasy world. Lawrence was born a Prince, and fell in love and married Monica, a beautiful young woman of noble birth. They ascended the throne when Lawrence's father died.
They have four children...
Their children are (from the left) David, Nami, Ringo (the youngest), and Paige (the eldest).
the Extended Royal Family
On the left is Rex and his family. He is a knight of noble birth, and the Queen's brother.
On the right is Princess Grace and her family. She is a Lawrence's younger sister.
Grace is married to Jude, head of Lawrence's Special Forces Unit. He has two children - Bonnie and Jamie - from a previous relationship
On the right is Princess Grace and her family. She is a Lawrence's younger sister.
Grace is married to Jude, head of Lawrence's Special Forces Unit. He has two children - Bonnie and Jamie - from a previous relationship
Rex and Bianca's Family
As the Queen's brother, Rex is one of Lawrence's closest and most trusted knights. He is married to the Lady Bianca, and they have two daughters, Judith, and little Lizbet...
Rex & Bianca's Extended Family
Bianca comes from a large family. Two of her sisters live with them; Yvette, and a younger sister Faye. Yvette's boyfriend Edan also has quarters in their castle. Then, as was the custom in noble families, Rex and Bianca are wards to three of their sibling's daughters.
Back row from left; Edan, Yvette, Bianca holding Lizbet, Rex. Front row from left; Lisa, Faye, Amber, Judith, Daisy
Faye is Bianca and Yvette's youngest sister....
Faye is Bianca and Yvette's youngest sister....
Amber and Lisa are Bianca's nieces. As was the custom in those days, their parents sent them to live with Bianca and Rex in hopes that they might find a position at court. Lisa found a position with Baron and Naomi last year, helping with their twins. Amber just recently arrived.
Daisy also lives with her uncle Rex, and aunt Bianca. She is Rex and Monica's niece.
Miho and Dominic's Family
Miho is the matriarch of the family.
She rescued Baron as a baby, and raised him as her son.
Years later Dominic came into her life. He was twice widowed, and it turned out that he was Baron's biological father. Dominic also has a younger son, Matias, from his second marriage.
Together Miho and Dominic have five grandchildren...
Matias and Agnes' Family
Matias is married to Agnes, the Elf King's daughter, and is a knight in service to him. They have three girls. Olivia is the eldest, and is human like her father.
Baron and Naomi's Family
Baron is the King's childhood friend, and is Captain of the Royal Guard. He met, and fell in love, with Naomi on an extended trip to the future. They fell in love, and she returned with him to his time. They are married and parents to twins.
Twins Fiona and Daniel
Baron & Winston
It was Miho who discovered Winston's egg, and raised him after he hatched. She was like a mother to him. A few years later after Miho rescued baby Baron, he and Winston grew up together, almost like 'brothers'.
Winston eventually met Saphira, and they are now parents to four little dragons. Scorch (purple, and youngest boy), Nuri (same colour as her mother), Elliot (same colour as his father), and Sparkle (a blue little girl)...
Fantasy Medieval MSDs
In addition to my Fashion size Fantasy Medieval dolls and their families, I have a large group of Fantasy Medieval dolls in MSD size from a range of different doll companies. They are all wearing their default outfits, but they can also play any number of different roles depending on if I need additional characters for a story.
Standing, from left: Maya, Kyle, Aeran, Isar, Wizard, Narin, and Butterfly Narae. Seated from left: Soa, Kassia, Adrian, and Lily
Kassia and Adrian
Kassia and prince Adrian are a married couple, wearing reworked costumes from the OOAK art doll stars of the original White Cat story from 35 years ago. Their claim to fame is starring in my White Cat sequel, but they can both take on additional roles in other stories if needed.
Narin and Butterfly Narae
These two are brother and sister and have ongoing roles as servants in the various castles. Narin is the King's secretary, and also a very talented artist, but he also plays additional roles in various stories. Butterfly Narae has worked in both Lawrence's and Miho's castles. She also starred as Nora in the Christmas Story, and as a contemporary art teacher in the Artist Narae book.
Maya, Aeran and Kyle
These three are some of my very first MSD size dolls, and are the three main characters in the Quest, an adventure story started in 2012. Aeran is a Princess on a search for an important talisman. Maya (on the left) is her childhood friend. Kyle (on the right) is a Prince, and her partner on her Quest. They can also appear as extras in other stories.
Three Single Ladies
There are three unattached, single, Medieval Fantasy ladies. From the left: Soa, Isar, and Lily
They don't have back stories of their own, and can sometimes appear as extras in other stories.
They don't have back stories of their own, and can sometimes appear as extras in other stories.
the Wizard
He is one of my favourite and most versatile dolls, and even though his default costume is that of a Wizard, he has more ongoing individual personas than anyone else. In addition to his ongoing role as a Wizard, he is also Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, and has served as both a Bishop and a King. He starred in A Christmas Story, and has been a shop owner many times. He is also everyone's Grandfather regardless of the time period, be it Medieval, Victorian, or contemporary.
House Elves
The final set of dolls inhabiting my Medieval Fantasy world, are the House Elves. There's a tiny family. Standing in the middle is Daisy. She is married to Gino (on the right) and they have two children: Avery and Emily. Daisy's mother Phairby also lives with them.
There's also a few more House Elves in their community. From the left: Nolan, Otto, Archibald, and Willie.
Contemporary Families
I have a couple of families who are 'contemporary' by default, but members can also serve as different characters in other stories.
Owen and Leona's Family
Owen and Leona, and their four children, from the left: Lonnie, Coco, Holly, and Milo.
Benny's Family
Benny is a single mom with three children, from the left: Erzulie, Efreet, and Angela
Asa's Family
Asa is a single mom, and famous opera star. She has two children: Aaron and Byuri
the Orphans
There's a group of dolls who will often appear in photos but don't have a family of their own. Standing at the back, from left: Peach and Narae. Middle row from left: Lizzy, Bordy, Chloe, Aki, and Cookie. Kneeling in front from left: Effie, Elin, and Erin
Kaye Wiggs Girls
There's also a group of Mini and Tiny Kaye Wiggs girls. They don't have individual families of their own.
Back row from left: Hope, Missy, Fair Layla, Layla Elf, and Lenny. Front row from left: Tillie, Raillie, Talyssa, and Cinnamon.
Back row from left: Hope, Missy, Fair Layla, Layla Elf, and Lenny. Front row from left: Tillie, Raillie, Talyssa, and Cinnamon.
Steve and Iris' Victorian Family
Steve is Owen's brother, and Iris is Leona's sister. They have four children. Their family started out in contemporary times, but after discovering their old wardrobe could send them into the past, they decided to go back to a much quieter era to Victorian times. They actually live in the same house as Owen and Leona, but a hundred and fifty years earlier. Several of their family members have appeared as extras in other stories.
From the left: Lisa, Iris, Eric, Steve with little Sena, and Nyssa
From the left: Lisa, Iris, Eric, Steve with little Sena, and Nyssa
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