Little Dragon's First Christmas
St. Nicholas
It was St. Nicholas Eve and he was busy making his rounds visiting all the good children in the realm...
It was the little dragon's very first Christmas so Winston took two of them out to meet him...
Nuri was so excited...
...and she was thrilled to go out to meet him....
"I hope you've all been good little dragons this year."
"Well..." Nuri paused....
"They've been really good...." interjected her Dad....
"...for the most part."
"So, just like every other young child their age then." noted St. Nicholas.
And they all headed towards the castle...
"Follow me..." said Scorch....
"I know the way!"
St. Nicholas at the Castle
Baron had invited his brother and his family.... well as Winston's family, to the castle to meet St. Nicholas.
St. Nicholas was the patron saint of children....
..and they were drawn to him, crowding in close... their parents watched.
St. Nicholas and the Little Ones
With all the children crowding around St. Nicholas, it was hard for the smallest ones to get his attention...
Everyone wanted to get his attention...
So Saphira lifted little Sparkle up....
While Winston encouraged his other children to get in closer...
The other parents stood back out of the way...
Just watching to see how excited their children were.
St. Nicholas loved children - all children, including dragon ones
...and he was going to make sure to give each and every one of them some special attention.
But with there being so many of them, they were each going to have to wait their turn.
Visiting with St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas sat down, so the children could take turns sitting on his knee...
He was just as attentive to the little dragons.... he was to the other children.
Elliot and Scorch were getting rather curious about what was in St. Nicholas' sack..
Olivia noticed them trying to peak into the sack...
But everyone else was too focussed on St. Nicholas and the children
"Your Dad tells me that you've been a good little dragon."
She had, but her brothers were another matter....
They were becoming far too bold, taking toys out of St. Nicholas' bag
Olivia gave them a disapproving look...
Someone Else's Turn
Agnes picked up little Nuri, who St. Nicholas had given a candy cane...
...and Naomi picked up Fiona...
...and it was Daniel's and Mika's turn to have a visit with St. Nicholas...
But Elliot and Scorch hadn't stopped pulling toys out of his sack. In fact, Sparkle had joined them...
Winston finally noticed what his kids were up to...
...and decided to put a stop to it...
While St. Nicholas just ignored what the little dragons were up to, and kept his focus on the two children on his lap...
..leaving it up to Winston to deal with his kids...
A Quiet Afternoon
After St. Nicholas left, and all the excitement subsided, it turned into a quiet afternoon.
The adults had a chance to catch up with each other...
...while the children played with their new toys...
Sparkle joined Daniel and Elliot playing with their toy soldiers...
Nuri and Mika were playing with their new dolls...
Scorch had received an assortment of stuffed animals, and was playing with Gabi and her toy ark. He wondered why there were no dragons on the ark.
"Well there probably wasn't enough room." said Olivia.
"Plus dragons can fly", added Winston."We don't need a boat."
"Plus dragons can fly", added Winston."We don't need a boat."
Scorch wasn't convinced. He thought it might have been nice to go for a boat ride.
Even so, it turned out to be a lovely time together.
Family Portraits
Some portraits of the three families.
Baron and Naomi's family...
Baron and Naomi's family...
Baron and Naomi with their twins Fiona and Daniel
Baron and Winston's families
Dragons, back row from left; Winston, Nuri, Saphira. Front row from left; Scorch, Elliot, and Sparkle
Dragons, back row from left; Winston, Nuri, Saphira. Front row from left; Scorch, Elliot, and Sparkle
Matias & Agnes with their three daughters; Olivia, Mika, and baby Gabi....
Agnes holding Mika
Matias holding baby Gabi...
All the children....
Back row from left; Scorch, Gabi, Olivia, Mika, and Sparkle. Front row from left; Elliot, Fiona, Daniel, and Nuri
Back row from left; Scorch, Gabi, Olivia, Mika, and Sparkle. Front row from left; Elliot, Fiona, Daniel, and Nuri
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