Coronation Day
Miho continued telling Naomi about Baron and the King's friendship......"The King's Coronation Day finally arrived."
"Several months had gone by since the old King had passed away and Lawrence had ascended the throne. But a coronation is considered a joyous occasion that would be inappropriate during the period of mourning for the previous monarch. The delay also gives time for any elaborate preparations, so several months had passed. But the Coronation Day had finally arrived."
"Baron joined the Royal family at the front of the Great Hall."
"Baron joined the Royal family at the front of the Great Hall."
"I was there as well, along with other royal guests and dignitaries."
'We are ready to begin...'
"The King and Queen were in the vestibule waiting for the procession to begin. She had sewn the King's traditional white coronation shirt, and embroidered it in gold, all with her own hand...."
"Lawrence and Monica embraced. 'It's time...'"
"The fanfare sounded as the procession made their way to the front of the Great Hall. The Archbishop ascended the dias in front of the throne. The Queen took her seat at the very front."
"The King knelt before the Archbishop..."
"The King knelt before the Archbishop..."
"The Archbishop spoke to the audience..
'Sirs and Madams, I present to you Lawrence, your true, undoubted King. Wherefore I ask all you who are come this day to pay your homage and service, are you willing to accept him as such?'
The audience responded in unison..'We are willing!! God save the King!'"
'Sirs and Madams, I present to you Lawrence, your true, undoubted King. Wherefore I ask all you who are come this day to pay your homage and service, are you willing to accept him as such?'
The audience responded in unison..'We are willing!! God save the King!'"
"Then to Lawrence....
'Sir, is your Majesty willing to take the Oath'"
'Sir, is your Majesty willing to take the Oath'"
'I am willing.'
'Will you solemnly promise and swear....'
' govern the Peoples of this Kingdom according to its laws and customs?'
'I do so solemnly promise and swear.'
'Does your Majesty promise and swear to rule according to law,
and to exercise justice with mercy in all your judgements?'
and to exercise justice with mercy in all your judgements?'
'I do so promise and swear.'
"The Lady Bianca and I, had been given the honour to robe the King..."
" We stepped forward and placed the Imperial Robe of purple velvet...."
"..on the King's shoulders."
"The Archbishop then took the Imperial Sate Crown...."
'By the powers invested in me..... I crown thee, Lawrence....'
'....our true and rightful King.'
"And he reverently placed the crown on the King's head."
"Trumpets sounded a fanfare and bells rang out across the kingdom.... "
" Lawrence took his seat on the Throne...."
"The Archbishop stepped aside...."
" the guests in the Great Hall...."
"..could pay homage to their King...."
"They cried in unison three times, 'God Save the King!'..."
'Long Live the King!!'
Queen Monica
"After homage was paid to the King, it was time to crown the Queen Consort.
Monica rose from her seat and knelt before her husband....."
Monica rose from her seat and knelt before her husband....."
"...who was no longer wearing the Imperial State Crown."
"He held it above her bowed head...."
"The role of Queen Consort is primarily to provide companionship.."
"...and moral support to her husband, so she is warranted a much smaller ceremony."
"Lawrence held the Imperial State Crown aloft above his kneeling wife."
'I crown thee, Monica, our beloved Queen Consort.
"And the audience cheered, 'God save the Queen!'"
First Knight
"The very next day, Baron was knighted."
"I dub thee..."
"...Sir Baron...First Knight of the Realm."
"So Baron became a Knight, and Captain of the Royal Guard....."
"... a trusted loyal friend to the King and his Queen."
"And as Lawrence's close friend, Baron continued to be invited to all their family functions...."
" banquets..."
"....and family birthdays..."
"Lawrence just considered Baron as part of the family."
"So, I hope you can understand, that with Baron having gone for several months, and the King asking to see him as soon as he got back, that it was important for Baron to visit him right away."
"Of course. I had no idea Baron was such an important man."
"Well, thank you for breakfast, and telling me all about Baron and his friendship with the King.
I think I should go get dressed now."
I think I should go get dressed now."
"I don't know when Baron will be back, but I have a good friend coming for tea later. You are welcome to come join us. I'm sure he'd love to meet you."
*continued - In the Garden
Copyright © 2021 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved