Happily Ever After? Chapter 2 - part 3
The continuing story of my White Cat sequel
Another Banquet
To help keep everyone's spirits up as they waited for a transformation potion, Kassia and Adrian held weekly banquets with everyone invited....
But as the weeks went by....
...everyone's tastes started to change...
The longer they were cats, the more they developed a taste for 'whole' food...
...and the fresher the better....
Whole rabbits and rats were a favourite....
"These rats are fantastic!"
"And definitely worth all the hair-balls we'll be spitting up tonight."
Kassia had always enjoyed needlepoint....
..and had always enjoyed spending the afternoons doing it together with her Lady in Waiting...
...who was her best friend...
But with her big cat paws it was becoming increasingly difficult to do...and that basket of yarn was looking ever so tempting....
She tried her best to resist her feline instincts....
..but those balls of yarn were just calling out to her....
The temptation was just too great...
She had been a cat too long to resist all those balls of yarn...
Caught in the Act
Kassia and her Lady in Waiting were scrambling around on the floor ....
..batting around the balls of yarn...
...when Adrian came in...
"What are you two doing?!?"
"...playing with yarn on the floor like a bunch of common house cats!"
"I tried.... so hard.... to resist...."
"I know it's hard...but you are better than this..."
He embraced her...
..and held her tight...
While her friend gathered up the yarn...
"I'm so tired of this!"
"I don't want to be a cat anymore!"
Ready to Go
Now that it was autumn, the special magic mushrooms would be popping up, so Winston arrived at the Wizard's home to take Willie to gather some....
"Do you need a map?"
"No, thanks. I know where they grow."
"Are you ready?"
"Yes. Let's go."
Winston flew Willie to the secret grove where the special mushrooms grew.
They were right on time, since the mushrooms only lasted a single day...
Some little mouse fairies arrived...to see what they were doing....
"Winston and I just need a few of the mushrooms for a special Transformation formula..
The little fairies were there to pick a few mushrooms themselves....
The fairies picked a few mushrooms and left. Then Willie started to pick some...
"These are perfect."
"How many do you need?"
"Not too many."
"About a dozen or so..."
"I think this is enough."
Processing the Mushrooms
After picking the mushrooms, it was important to process them as quickly as possible, since they'd turn into 'black mush' by nightfall. So the Wizard and Willie set to work...
The Wizard had looked up the recipe....
While Willie lit the fire, and waited for instructions...
"It says not to chop them up.......they need to go into the pot whole."
"Add two firkins of distilled water to the pot..."
"...and fill it to the brim with the mushrooms..."
"Then let them simmer, and reduce, for two hours."
In the Lab
With the magic mushroom concentrate made, Willie and the Wizard were finally ready to create the Transformation Potion...
The science lab was always set up in the window where there was the best light...
The Wizard read the recipe...
...and handed Willie the various ingredients...
Some of which needed to be ground into fine powders...
So she lit a candle to boil the mixture....
"I think it's ready..."
"It looks good to me..."
"Let's just hope it works."
Bottling the Potion
With the potion done, it was time to pour it into bottles and seal them....
The Wizard handed her the little bottles...
"It's surprising how far this stuff goes!"
"And that's the last one..."
*Continued in Chapter 2 - part 4
Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved