Narin was doing an excellent job, and the painting was coming along quite nicely, and even though he was working reasonably quickly, he had six dragons to paint, so it was taking quite some time. And to the little dragons it seemed to take forever. They weren't used to staying still for even a few minutes, let alone a few hours.... Suddenly they'd had enough, and all mayhem broke loose... Their parents tried to get them under control... ..but the children had had enough.... "I think we need to take a short break." "Good idea!" The kids didn't need to be told twice..... ...and made their escape...
2/2/2025 10:31:37 am
Priceless!!! They had me laughing 😄. Poor Winston and Saphira faced with an impossible task are doing their best and Narin has his work cut out for him! But, thanks to the storyteller, I suspect all will be well in the end ❤️
Les petits enfants dragons ont fait preuve de pas mal de patience, mais toute patience a des limites ! Comme tous les enfants ils ont besoin de se dégourdir les jambes, non ?
2/2/2025 08:56:33 pm
Well, Narin thought that painting the King was challenging. He probably never envisioned that he would have to capture, on canvas, four active youngsters. I am sure he will find a way, with the help of their parents, to deliver one of his amazing paintings.
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AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025