Scenes with Matias, and Winston's Family
I had to plan which scenes I could take the dolls for at the same time, since we'd have to carry everything form the parking lot to the beach in one trip. It also had to be the right kind of weather. The best would be first thing in the morning with a mix of cloud and sun. So I kept an eye on the weather forecast for our very first trip to the beach, and I prepared Matias and Winston. I'd stitched strings onto Winston so he could be suspended from a long pole like he was flying. On the morning of October 23rd, the sky seemed perfect, so we packed everything into the car and headed to the beach.
When we got there I posed Matias on his horse, and went to lie down on the tarp on the sand, as the best, most realistic doll photos need to be taken down at the doll's eye level. Then I directed Jan to suspend Winston where I wanted him, and took the photos.
The strings were clearly visible against the dark sky in this photo....
the King & His Men
Several days later, on October 30th the skies were way too sunny in the morning, but in early afternoon it turned to hazy sun and I decided to go to the beach and give it a try. We'd packed up everything needed for the photos with Lawrence and the knights, as well as everything for the palaeontologist scene, planning on taking everything we needed for one scene first, then bringing it all back to the car and taking everything for the second scene.
the Paleontologists
the Victorians
the Museum
We laid down a wooden floor over the table cloth, and I proceeded to create a museum set. The dinosaurs all needed some kind of elevated display, so I set about making them out of white bristol board...
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To revisit the story - 'Drako'