The dragons were out for a walk in the snow with the Lady Agnes... ...when she introduced them to some of her little friends...
In September on a trip to Value Village I noticed a huge dragon skull in their Halloween props section. I immediately had several ideas for doll photos that could be taken with it, so bought it. A story was slowly starting to take shape in my mind and these two guys, both had roles to play in it, so they were standing together in my workspace. Matias who is a SartoriaJ 51ATH guy was being changed into his knight outfit and still needed his leg armour, and Owen who is an Iplehouse JID, was waiting for me to make him a 'safari' vest. The contrast between the two of them couldn't have been greater, and I was amused thinking of what the two of them could possibly be thinking, so just had to take a photo. Scenes with Matias, and Winston's FamilyI had been considering where to shoot the story. Where would such a huge skull be discovered? I did look around the construction sites to the north of us to see if there would be anything suitable there. But in the end I decided it would be a lot easier down on the beach. It's just a five to ten minute drive to the shore of Lake Ontario, and it likely wouldn't be too busy there in October. I had to plan which scenes I could take the dolls for at the same time, since we'd have to carry everything form the parking lot to the beach in one trip. It also had to be the right kind of weather. The best would be first thing in the morning with a mix of cloud and sun. So I kept an eye on the weather forecast for our very first trip to the beach, and I prepared Matias and Winston. I'd stitched strings onto Winston so he could be suspended from a long pole like he was flying. On the morning of October 23rd, the sky seemed perfect, so we packed everything into the car and headed to the beach. When we got there I posed Matias on his horse, and went to lie down on the tarp on the sand, as the best, most realistic doll photos need to be taken down at the doll's eye level. Then I directed Jan to suspend Winston where I wanted him, and took the photos. The strings were clearly visible against the dark sky in this photo.... The strings were not quite so visible in this photo... However, they still needed to be removed in Photoshop, and because I was pretty much immobile while laying on the sand, I needed to crop the photos to get the close ups I needed for the story... For the second set of photos to be taken that same morning, I had brought along Winston's entire family. I set them up around the skull and laid down on the tarp on the sand, and asked Jan to make any adjustments... Again, the photos need to be taken very low down at the dragon's eye level... the King & His MenTwo days later on October 25th, we went to the beach again. That time we took Winston with Willie and the Wizard, shot a scene with them, and then a second scene with the Saphira and the House Elves. I didn't take any behind the scenes shots that day. The next day on October 26th, we took Lawrence's family down to the beach, but I also didn't take any behind the scenes shots then either. Several days later, on October 30th the skies were way too sunny in the morning, but in early afternoon it turned to hazy sun and I decided to go to the beach and give it a try. We'd packed up everything needed for the photos with Lawrence and the knights, as well as everything for the palaeontologist scene, planning on taking everything we needed for one scene first, then bringing it all back to the car and taking everything for the second scene. With the sun in the west now, the scene had to be shot in the other direction, which was a good thing since there was also a very strong wind blowing from the west. The men's cloaks billowed in the wind, and their hair was blown back out of their faces... I decided it was way too windy to take the palaeontologist photos, so we just went home. the PaleontologistsThe next morning, October 31st, the sky looked promising, so we took the paleontologists to the beach again. I set up the scene, and got down on the tarp to take the photos... Again, the photos were taken down at the doll's eye level... the VictoriansThe final big group to be photographed down at the beach was the Victorian scene. It was going to be the most elaborate of all the set ups on the beach, with eleven dolls and all kinds of extra props. Whenever there's going to be such a complicated scene I find it best to practice the set up at home so I know exactly what I want to do once I'm actually at the beach. I made the string with little flags to go around the skull, and wrapped it in tissue paper so it wouldn't get all tangled up. Then I wired lots of little balloons. I wasn't sure about final placement since my table is flat and the beach has a major slope, but at least it would help give me some idea of what I wanted the scene to look like. Then after several rainy days, the skies finally cleared on November 5th. We went to the beach a little later that day since I wanted to take the photo towards the east this time (for variety) and I needed the sun to be in the right position. When we got to the beach I set up all the dolls while Jan secured the tent pegs... Every time we went to the beach I needed to have everything packed in such a way that we'd only need to make one trip from the car to the beach. So I came up with the idea to use my double horse carrier bag, and inserted most of the larger doll boxes vertically into the horse boxes. The two smallest boxes went into another bag along with the skull. Most of the boxes held more than one doll. Like usual I took the photos while laying on the tarp on the sand. I really had to pay attention to the background. One of the main reasons I rarely take doll photos in this direction is because of the nuclear plant at the far end of the beach, along with all the high tension hydro towers along the horizon. But some of the best angles of the Victorian scene would have them in it. Along with some airplane vapour trails.... So I had to remove them in Photoshop.... While cleaning up, some people came walking along the beach towards us. Even though there were hardly any people out on these cold mornings, there would often be a person or two who would stop to see what we were doing, and we'd just say we were taking photos for a children's book, and they thought that was so interesting.... the MuseumThe final scenes for the story would take place in a museum, so I had to come up with some kind of believable set. I wanted plain white walls, so had to go buy several sheets of white foam core. I had been picking up the biggest dinosaur toys I could find at Value Village. They were not nearly big enough to pass for a realistic scaled dinosaur, but would have to do as part of a 'dinosaur diorama'. We laid down a wooden floor over the table cloth, and I proceeded to create a museum set. The dinosaurs all needed some kind of elevated display, so I set about making them out of white bristol board... I created two dioramas.... ...and added some suitable background photos, and all the identifying signs. And I was ready to start taking the photos.... With the walls being only so high, and there not being any ceiling, I had to take the photos with the smaller skeleton from above. More PhotosWhen I started to put the story together, it seemed to me that the scene with Willie and the Wizard seemed too 'boring'. It had been one of the first scenes I photographed, and since I was stuck on the ground it was too difficult to get up and change the posing.... Then I got the idea that it would be the perfect spot to include Winston and Saphira's origin stories. But I was going to need close ups of Winston, Willie and the Wizard talking. I hadn't even thought of it back when I took the first set of photos of them at the beach, so would have to go again and take them. I was hoping for a similar day, but it wasn't happening, so November 19th we braved the cold and wind and went to the beach again, for the seventh time. It was too cold to even consider laying down on the sand, so we had brought our projector stand. We set it up on the beach, and covered the top surface with sand, and I positioned the skull, and the three characters. I hadn't brought the Wizard's horse as there would not have been room for him on the stand. Then I walked around taking close up photos my characters.... After taking the photos at the beach, we went to the nearby woods to take some photos of Miho finding Winston's egg... Then I finally had all the photos I needed so I could finally start posting the story.
To revisit the story - 'Drako' Back in June when we went out west, we stopped in to visit our son and his family. Our daughter-in-law and one of the grandchildren were very interested in my dragons. Nat was also interested in my BJDs, saying that they and a friend were considering getting into them, maybe even making one of their own. When we got home I started up an email conversation with Nat trying to figure out what kind of BJD they might enjoy. My plan was to find a less expensive 'starter' doll, make an outfit, and send it as a Christmas gift. Then when we went on our fall trip, we started at the Ottawa Doll Show. There were two vendors selling very inexpensive naked BJDs, all legit dolls. There were too many different kinds for me to decide which one to buy, so I made a phone call out west to ask Nat directly. I described the dolls that were available, and Nat chose a smaller anime style one with elf ears. So I bought it for just $50 Canadian. No taxes, no shipping costs, and no Customs taxes or handling fees! The doll is a Fen Jie Xian Fairy by Dividing Line. They are very inexpensive legit dolls, and it did not come with a COA. I looked them up on DoA for more information. The dolls are YoSDs that are released on a limited run in a 'lucky box' system and the basic ones are only offered in MDD semi-white and blank. There are 5 basic sculpts and 3 special ones (in the special colors: purple and black and 1 transparent one) If you buy a 6-pieces set, you are guaranteed to get all the 5 basic ones and a random 6th one. That can either be one of the basic ones or one of the specials. Buyers are not given a choice if they only order one. The doll is a lovely smooth resin, and is double-jointed. It poses very well, although she has limited wrist movement. Nat and I were in email contact, and I asked what kind of outfit they had in mind. Nat suggested a yellow T-shirt with a blue gingham jumper. So I gathered some fabrics and some yarns for a possible sweater set, and sent a photo. Nat approved and also liked both yarn options for a sweater set should I choose to knit one. And I started to make a hard wig cap, as it's always better to do something that messy before the doll gets painted. Nat was hoping the doll could have pink hair, so I took out the only pink mohair I had and stitched it into fringes, and applied Gemtack glue down the centre along the stitching lines... Once the glue was dry I cut the strips down the middle and combed them... A few weeks later I brought the doll away to Charie Wilson Grenier to be painted. Charie asked how Nat wanted the doll painted, so Nat sent some photos, which I forwarded to Charie... It was of Sigewinne from a popular video game. I realized what Nat was really after was an 'anime' character, so I did some research Nat had specifically suggested a yellow T-shirt with a blue gingham jumper, so, without totally starting over, I wondered how to turn the outfit I'd made into more of an anime outfit. Nat suggested adding lots of bows. So I added some pale pink lace around the hem of the jumper, added some pink embroidery, an apron with bows, and a bow at the neck, ...and a huge double bow at the back... When I went to pick up the doll, Charie had even given her pink eyes, and blue eyebrows. Now, I'm totally not into anime dolls so it took me a little to get used to this new style. But I dressed the doll and took photos of her with some different wigs.... And back when I hadn't yet realized Nat was really looking for something anime, I'd made this second outfit, complete with sweater & hat. I'd send it too as an additional option. Then while I was waiting for the Postal strike to be over I took some holiday photos... The strike ended a week before Christmas, but the parcel still arrived quickly, nicely on Christmas Eve. Nat absolutely loved the doll!
Finally, it was getting rather late and it was time to leave. Kitty went to fetch everyone’s coats, hats, and scarves, while Rhett started handing out the baskets and containers with the leftovers. Tiana was so pleased that she was taking home the leftover cream puffs. Everyone had had a really good time, especially the four newcomers who were new to the Forest and the Foxes’ annual Christmas tradition. Tiana and Ginger thanked the Foxes for hosting. "We all had a really wonderful time..." "You're all very welcome." replied Rhett and Kitty, as they saw their guests out the door. "Good-bye, and good night! Until next time!"
The evening took on a party atmosphere as more instruments came out. Those who could play them did.... ....while Tiana led the others in a sing-along. She even performed a few solos.
After the menfolk had finished cleaning up the kitchen, and their women had come back in from the hot tub, everyone gathered in the parlour just to relax and enjoy one last glass wine. Rhett sat down at the piano to play some holiday tunes... Max put his arm around Maisie. Their hearts were filled with joy. They were new to the Forest, and had made so many new friends today. Maisie was also an accomplished pianist, and joined Rhett at the piano.
After getting the kitchen in some reasonable order, it was time to tackle the mountain of dirty dishes. The men had sorted the dirty dishes, pans, and cutlery, but there was so much needing to be washed that they hauled in a large laundry tub and filled it with hot soapy water. Then Smuzhka, who was very organized, came up with an orderly efficient system. He and Chip would do the scrubbing.. .as Ropuha sorted and passed them the dirty dishes. Then Rhett and the two mice would dry and stack them. They had it down to a very efficient system...
We just sent off the newest book to be printed. It's A Forest Dweller Christmas featuring my Forest Dwellers by Whispering Grass. It was photographed in January and February of 2022 and is the story of how everyone was invited to the Foxes home to participate in their traditional Christmas dinner. All the women have a great time working together in the kitchen ...preparing all their favourite recipes.... ...while their menfolk spend the day entertaining themselves... ...and eventually they all sit down to a Christmas feast... Well, when we were putting the book together it became clear that the story came to an end rather quickly, and that it could have used a few additional scenes to fill it in. I think it was because the story was photographed in January and February, and I likely became fed up with taking Christmas photos so long after it had passed, so I made a quick ending so I could move on. But the book could really use those missing scenes, so I decided to recreate the entire set again. Thankfully I always take photos of every set so I can reproduce it if needed again in the future... The first additional scene was of the menfolk cleaning up in the kitchen. Their women had worked hard all day while the men had relaxed, and now it was the men's turn to work while their women relaxed. And their first chore was to take all the dishes and leftovers to the kitchen and do a basic clean up there before they could start washing the dishes... Mr. Ropuha and Rhett Fox sorted the leftovers into containers for everyone to take home with them... Mr. Ropuha made sure Tiana would get plenty of the leftover cream puffs that she loved so much... He and Rhett made sure everyone would get some of their favourite things to take home with them... Smuzhka and Mannie were scraping anything not saveable into the garbage... While Max swept the floor... ...and Chip cleaned the stove... To see the original story - A Forest Dweller Christmas I will be adding the new scenes into the original story as I post them here.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
January 2025