Yesterday I inserted another 47 tiny studs, so now there's 'only' a hundred more to go. Since I can't work on studs non-stop, I started his cloak, and made him a belt yesterday.... The only trim I had that looked good on the edge of his cloak was a wider woven band, so I ran a line of FrayCheck down the middle, and after it dried I cut it in half down the middle. Now I need to wash the cloak to get any sizing out, and put it on him wet so I can see how it distorts and gets longer along the bias, which always happens when one cuts a semi-circular cloak or skirt. Then I have to trim the bottom edge so it hangs straight. I used the very last large buckle that I had, and it didn't have a prong, so I made the belt long enough so it can tie beyond the buckle. In addition to all the rest of the studs (all on the back) he still needs a 'purse' on his belt, some leather wrist guards, studded leather strips for the tops of his boots, and then a bow and a quiver full of arrows. I do have a spare bow, but it's not nearly big enough - plus his hand is too big for the opening in the grip - which means I actually have to make a new one. And because I don't much enjoy working with Apoxie, it could get put off for a while.
In other news, there was a shipping notice from Iplehouse this morning, so KID Faye and BID Judith are on their way. Both are Normal resin with IH faceups. I ordered them to be little sisters for Yvette and Bianca, and I do have spare Medieval/Fantasy dresses in both their sizes, so at least I don't have to make them anything when they arrive. At least not until they decide they want to become friends with the contemporary kids. But Little Lenny is also on her way, and she doesn't have a thing her size, so she will have priority. Hope brought out a pile of games to keep her friends amused.... Cinnamon had already helped herself to Simon...
In the rainforest... I had been really looking forward to taking fairy photos with the mushrooms in the rain forest of Vancouver Island, but due to circumstances had to rush in a very limited time frame, and this was the only photo that didn't end up too blurry.
Today is the one year anniversary of Hope's arrival, so she's celebrating... ...with all her friends...
I continue to put most of my time and effort into Eden's outfit, yet it still goes rather slow. I did finish the embroidery and beading on his hooded caplet last night. This morning I made an olive green cord to tie it up, but decided I didn't like the colour, so made a golden brown one instead. I decided to go with the tiny studs for his tunic, which of course are the most labour intensive. I haven't even finished the chain-stitch lines on his tunic yet..... There are a dozen sections that need rows of studs, and there will be an average of sixteen per row, so that's almost two hundred of those tiny things. They are a real pain to put in, so I can only do so many before I have to take a break. Yesterday I managed just eighteen of them. I hope to get those daily numbers up, because I really don't want it taking ten days to finish. This is where I'm at today....after another eighteen studs.... Eden with his hood up. It was quite the challenge beading the outside edge without having any of the stitching thread showing on the inside... I don't know how far I'll get today, as I have a photo shoot that needs doing. Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of Hope's arrival, and she's waiting for her party.
I finished updating all the links in Just Patterns in the Tutorials section. Instead of the thumbnails linking directly to the pattern pdfs, I changed it so they link to the Gallery page showcasing the outfit that the patterns are for. That way people can get a better look at what the outfit is supposed to look like. The pattern pdfs are now at the bottom of the Gallery page for the outfit, along with any under construction photos I may have taken while making it. Hopefully this helps.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025