The dragons did not need to come for any more sittings, as Narin had already captured everyone's likeness, so he could finish the painting without them.
And a few weeks later, it was done, and the dragons returned to see the finished portrait.
Narin had managed to salvage both of the paintings he'd been working on, and his studio space had been cleaned up, so the last thing he and Winston needed to do was to wipe down all the jars and tubes of paint. Winston was relieved that there was no permanent damage, but he was still feeling really bad. "Thanks for all your help." "I'd never have been able to clean up this mess so fast by myself." They were almost done, when Saphira and the kids were back... "I'm sorry to interrupt..." "...but I felt we needed to put things right." "I've brought the payment for the portrait." "It's double what we'd agreed upon." "Hopefully that's enough to cover the damages, and to replace all the paint the children wasted." "Thank you. I appreciate it." "And the children have something they want to say to you..." "Well..?" "We....are very sorry. We shouldn't have done what we did." "...and.... we promise to never do anything like that ever again." Narin accepted their apology, and was happy with the additional payment.
The dragons did not need to come for any more sittings, as Narin had already captured everyone's likeness, so he could finish the painting without them. And a few weeks later, it was done, and the dragons returned to see the finished portrait.
When Saphira got the kids home, they were in need of a bath. She filled two tubs full of hot soapy water.... ..and proceeded to vigorously scrub all the paint off of them.... a little harder than she probably should have. But she was angry. "I'm really disappointed and ashamed of your behaviour today." "I don't understand what you are thinking. You were raised to be a lot better than that." "Yes Mama." "We know Mama. And we are sorry for making such a big mess." "But we were tired of just standing there, and wanted to paint." "Well, you can't just act on your impulses like that. Especially without asking. That wasn't your studio, and those weren't your paints, and you ruined both the paintings Narin was working on. How would you feel if someone grabbed something of yours without asking, and then ruined something important that you were working on?" "I'd be very upset too." "So after you're all cleaned up, you're all going to have to go back and sincerely apologize. And I hope we can make it up to him."
After Saphira left with the kids, Narin and Winston began the odious task of cleaning up the trashed studio. Winston started by gathering all the jars of paint.... ...while Narin put the caps back onto the tubes of paint.... Once all the jars and tubes of paint, and all the rest of his art supplies had been picked up, Narin turned his attention to trying to save his painting... ...and Winston started scrubbing the workbench surfaces... Winston was feeling awful. He and Narin had known each other for a long time, and he was feeling so embarrassed and sorry for what his kids had done. "I think it's coming off." "'s all off." Winston let out a big sigh, "That's a huge relief..."
Winston and Saphira were horrified by their children's behaviour, and stepped in immediately... ...while Narin tried to shoo them away from his paints.... Saphira caught one... ...and Narin grabbed another... Saphira ended up with all of them... they squirmed and struggled to get away.... Winston tried to apologize to Narin... "I'm so very sorry..." "I don't know what got into them." "I'm so sorry they ruined your painting. I sure hope it can be saved." "Well, I'm taking the kids home, to get them cleaned up." 'You can stay here..." "...and help with the clean up." "Yes, I'll stay and help however I can." offered Winston. "It's the least I can do. If you let me." "I'd appreciate that."
The little dragons were tired of posing for a portrait, and darted off like a shot heading straight for Narin's workspace... They wanted to paint... ..and started adding their own touches to Narin's paintings.... Paint was flying everywhere! Narin was beside himself! He'd spent hours and hours working on the King's portrait... ...and the dragon portrait was ruined too.... "Stop!! Stop it at once!! "Get out of here!!" But they just ignored him...
Narin was doing an excellent job, and the painting was coming along quite nicely, and even though he was working reasonably quickly, he had six dragons to paint, so it was taking quite some time. And to the little dragons it seemed to take forever. They weren't used to staying still for even a few minutes, let alone a few hours.... Suddenly they'd had enough, and all mayhem broke loose... Their parents tried to get them under control... ..but the children had had enough.... "I think we need to take a short break." "Good idea!" The kids didn't need to be told twice..... ...and made their escape...
Winston and Saphira wanted to mark their children's first birthday by having a family portrait painted. So they went to talk to Narin who was the best artist in the realm. They agreed on a price and made an appointment for their first sitting. The children were very excited when they arrived at the great hall at the castle, where Narin had set up a temporary studio to work on the King's anniversary portrait Narin was all set up and waiting for them. "Where do you want us?" asked Saphira. "I'll need you to get into a nice group pose over on the dias. You'll need to stand close together so you all fit into the painting." "Come on kids!" "How's this?" "Perfect!" "Now I'm going to need you all to stay perfectly still." And Narin did a quick sketch and started the painting... The painting was coming along nicely... ..but it was very slow going. after all, one can't rush a masterpiece. "I really need you all to stop moving so much." "We are doing our best over here!"
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025