Winston was very curious about the dragon skull on the beach, and wanted to know more. So he went to get Willie and the Wizard. He figured if anyone would know something about it, it might be one of them. "That is one huge skull!" "Do you have any idea what it might have belonged to?"asked Winston. "Well, it's clearly a dragon." she said. "A mighty huge dragon!" "There's legends of dragons this size that lived thousands of years ago. They were called 'Drako' and were as fierce and dangerous as they were big. This skull is likely from one of them." "But, there's none of them around now, at least as far as I know," commented Winston. "So what happened to them?" "Well, according to legend, they became extinct following some kind of major natural disaster." "And dragons were a lot smaller after that." added Willie. "But there aren't any of those around now either." continued Winston. "For the longest time I thought I was the only dragon. Until I met Saphira, neither of us had ever met another dragon." "That's true." said Willie, "People were terrified of dragons, and for good reason. Most were very fierce, and terrorized the towns and villages, pillaging and burning everything in sight, so knights were sent out to slay them." "And eventually they succeeded." added the Wizard, "And there were no more dragons." "But, where did I come from then?"
12/8/2024 09:53:49 am
Probably dragons disappeared at the same time as dinosaurs. Isn't that a valid explanation?
12/8/2024 01:30:25 pm
That’s a good question, Winston.
12/8/2024 02:28:26 pm
It looks like Winston is going to have to do some genealogy research.
12/9/2024 03:43:48 am
A mystery hidden in the distant past! It will be interesting to see where Winston's questions lead him.
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AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
January 2025