All Dressed Up
This year I decided to focus on my small Kaye Wiggs girls, since it's the very first Halloween for four of them. So, after finishing their pumpkins, they all got dressed up for some group photos....
the Haunted Castle
Just for fun, the girls went to visit a 'haunted castle'....
Trick or Treating
My small Kaye Wiggs girls posing for a group shot on Halloween evening.....
Onto the Compost Heap
The girls had been hanging on to their pumpkin Jack-o-lanterns as long as possible, but they were starting to rot and get mouldy, so it was time to toss them....
"This one was my favourite..."
"It's funny how they shrivel up...."
"Unfortunately, once they are carved, they don't last very long..."
" they all end up in the compost pile..."
'Next year we get to make new ones."
Copyright © 2020 Martha Boers
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