A Lego Queen
This year Nami received a Lego Buckingham Palace set for Christmas, and she invited some of her friends over to help her build it.....
But like last year, they mostly just watched. And played with the figures....
"I love this Queen.."
"And I have the King. He's got a HUGE sword!"
"All these guards have guns..."
Nami was loving her new Lego set...especially since it was a real palace with a Queen...
So while the others were busy playing....
..she went and got dressed up in her own 'Princess' gown....
The others turned to stare...
"I thought it would be fun to dress up, and be a Queen too.."
The Royal couple...
Ringo continued to build, but wasn't sure if he had the right piece...
"Is this the piece you are looking for?"
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