New Beginnings, Chapter 7
In the Wood Shop
Monica had been right in assuming that helping to look after Winston's eggs would prove a good distraction for the children. They were very excited about the prospect of baby dragons, and thought the babies would like some toys after they hatched. So when the children asked their Dad if they could make some toys, he was only too happy to supervise them in the castle wood shop.
Paige and Nami both decided to make dragon pull toys...
Ringo decided he wanted to make some blocks, and started sawing...
David was still checking out the wood to find the perfect pieces for the project he had in mind....
Lawrence liked to take a hands off approach, letting his children make what they wanted. They had learned to use tools from a young age, but still needed some supervising to make sure they worked safely. And he was there to offer advice if asked.
It was hard work sawing the blocks...but Ringo was determined to do it all by himself....
Nami was trying to decide where to glue the wings on her dragon...
While Ringo kept sawing...
...and sawing...
"Do you think this would be the right place to attach the wings?"
"Yes, that would be perfect."
Painting the Toys
Ringo had finished cutting and sanding all his blocks and was starting to paint them.
..and the girls had started painting their pull toys...
David had shaped the hobby horse he had wanted to make, and was busy sanding it...
Ringo painted the first bunch of blocks red...
Paige was concentrating hard on painting her dragon...
While Nami was painting hers...
Then Ringo moved on to painting the next batch of blocks yellow....
...then he painted some purple, some orange, and some green....
"Wow, that's a lot of blocks!"
"That's because I need a lot..."
"I'm making a set for Winston's babies, and one for Uncle Baron's too."
Almost Finished
Paige and Nami were almost finished painting their dragons, when Ringo and David came over to look...
"So, what do you think?"
"It looks like a dragon."
Lawrence was impressed by his daughter's efforts...
"This is really wonderful. You've done an excellent job."
"I'm sure they are going to love it."
"Do you think they'll like mine too?"
"Yes, of course they will. This is really adorable."
"They are going to love it."
But David wasn't done yet...
He still had a lot of sanding to do...
Lawrence offered to help David with the last of his sanding....
"You have really out done yourself making this hobby horse."
"It will look amazing when you are all done."
"Those little dragons are going to love it."
* next - Chapter 8
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