Santa Arrives
After a long, cold journey, Santa and his companions finally arrived at his North Pole workshop....
His granddaughter, who was in charge whenever he was away, was happy to see him....
The whole workshop....
the Elves
Everyone was very happy that Santa had arrived safely....
...and Paige, and Chloe....
...Efreet, and Santa's granddaughter Narae....
Bonnie and Effie were happy to welcome back Snowflake........and Willie.....
"It's great to be back!!"
A Warm Welcome
Everyone was so happy to see Santa and his companions back at the Pole....
Especially his granddaughter.... "I really missed you, Grandpa!!"
Tillie was so happy to see Cinnamon....
...and Efreet and Effie had really missed Snowball.....
"And who might you be??"
Introducing Willie
Santa asked everyone to come gather round....
"We have a new helper this year..."
"This is Willie..."
"....and I'm sure we will all be learning a lot from her..."
"Hello everyone! I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all!"
An Outfit for Willie
Narae took Willie aside. "The elves have made you a special Elf outfit. Now that you'll be working up here with all of us, they thought it might be nice to help you fit in.."
"Wow, that's so cute!"
"Would you like to try it on??"
A Perfect Fit
Willie was excited to try on her new outfit....
"It fits perfectly!!"
"So, what do you think??"
"I LOVE it!!"
Taking a Break
Santa was getting a touch overwhelmed. He wasn't used to such a level of busyness, and needed to ease into it again. So he took a little break....
"There's just a few days left, and still an awful lot to do....
the List
Peach was in charge of the 'Mail Department', and opening all the letters to Santa.
"Wow, this person has a long list of stuff they want!!"
"Wow, this person has a long list of stuff they want!!"
"That's nothing!! Look at this...!!"
"This guy named Craig, has the biggest list I've ever seen!!"
Willie's first job was to do a final quality control check on a series of angel dolls...
"These are so pretty!"
"I love the little white roses you added..."
Pooh and Friends
Working hard in the 'stuffing corner'....
"These are looking great!"
"Anyone need more stuffing??"
"Just a little more..."
"Keep up the great work everyone!"
"Don't look at me like that!! You know that's where I have to stuff this..."
Christmas Stockings
The sewing department was busy putting together the last of the Christmas stockings....
Narae had stopped by to see how things were going....
"There's not a lot left to do..."
Meanwhile, Cinnamon was in charge of stuffing all the finished stockings....
When it was Paige's turn to sew, Willie came over to see how Cinnamon was doing....
"These look great!"
There were a LOT to stuff....
*Next - Winston Comes for a Visit
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